

Once again, based on a similar project from Mohit Bhoite.


I designed this sculpture to be quite small.

The main body is a 15x15x15mm cube, containing a handful of necessary components.

tinysat is reminiscent my other sculptures, in particular 2Sat. Again, I have used 0.8mm brass wire, which by now has acquired a beautiful, oxidised, orange-y colour.

I intend to mount this sculpture on some sort of wooden base via a vertical brass rod, but for now, it’s free-floating. Almost like a real satellite! 🛰


Rather than use discrete electronics to build this flasher, I used an ATTINY13 chip.

First, this made this project a lot simpler, as most of the functionality can be managed with software. Second, it reduced the total volume of electrical components required.

The circuit diagram for the device -


Some key points:

The code flashed to the ATTINY13 chip -

We take advantage of the low-power options in this chip to reduce the idle current draw to about 30µA. This ramps up to 5mA when the LED is flashing.

We keep the chip in low-power mode for as much time as possible. In this mode, the chip is almost completely shut down. The built-in watchdog timer wakes the chip every few seconds. The chip then measures the panel voltage and then flashes the LED if appropriate.


The key parts for this circuit -

Thanks for reading!

If you have something to say, i’d love to hear from you.

You can reach me here -

Twitter > @hrrsnbbnt
Email > mail@harrisonbroadbent.com